Arts & Culture Vibrant Storefront Applications

Application instructions

1.       Draft first: Download the application questions (link below) to draft your responses before filling out the online application form.

2.       No save feature: Please note that the online form does not allow you to save your progress. Edits cannot be made after submission.

3.       Avoid browser reload: If you reload the browser while filling out the online form, your entries will be lost.

4.       Final step: At the end of the application process, ensure you click the "Submit Application" button. Wait for the success message to confirm that your application has been successfully submitted.

Note: Each answer in each step can be modified until the application is submitted. Submitted applications can be recalled by sending an email request to (allow 2 business days to recall).  

Download the Single Applicant questions, click here

Download the Group/Cluster Applicant questions, click here

Begin your Vibrant Storefront Application below

View the eligible Arts & Culture Vibrant Storefronts