Mexico in Minneapolis

2022 Folk Arts Residency

Thursday May 12, 2022 | Arts & Cultural Affairs

David Sánchez Beltrán and Lucero Paniagua Ortuño — two extraordinarily different artists draw from similar historical influences in reviving and enriching Mexican traditional art forms

Learn more about Mexico in Minneapolis Folk Arts Residency here >

The City of Minneapolis’ Arts & Cultural Affairs Department and the Weisman Art Museum will host two artists from Cuernavaca, Morelos; México, David Sánchez Beltrán and Lucero Paniagua Ortuño, in an artist residency May 29-June 7. The residency is to promote learning through cultural exchange and to revive, strengthen, and elevate the presence of and access to Mexican traditional art forms in Minneapolis.

In line with the City’s goals to address racial disparities, the effort invests in mentoring local Latinx artists and reconnecting Mexican immigrants to their traditional and cultural knowledge. David Sánchez Beltrán will be paired with Cándida González and Claudia Valentino to exchange his expertise and skills as a painter, muralist, and ceramicist. Lucero Paniagua Ortuño will be paired with Monica Vega and Ivonne Yáñez, to exchange her expertise and skills on the extraction of pigments, dyes, and traditional techniques of the pre-Hispanic, colonial era. The apprentices are all Minnesota-based Latinx artists.

David Sánchez Beltrán and Lucero Paniagua Ortuño’s residencies will involve intensive learning sessions with their local apprentices. As well, two youth workshops are planned, the first at Centro Tyrone Guzman, a Latinx community organization and a second at Ella Baker Global Studies and Humanities Magnet School. A welcome event will be held in honor of the visiting artists at the Midtown Global Market and will feature an on-stage conversation between the artists and Alejandra Peña Gutiérrez, Director of the Weisman Art Museum of the University of Minnesota.

Through these apprenticeships and workshops, the Mexico in Minneapolis Folk Arts Residency seeks to connect members of the Mexican American diaspora to a richer sense of their cultural skills and identity as practiced through folk art traditions.

Meet the Artists at the Public Welcome Reception 

The public is invited to meet David Sánchez Beltrán and Lucero Paniagua Ortuño at a free, welcome reception and gathering at the Midtown Global Market, 920 E. Lake St., 5:00 - 7:00 pm, Thursday, June 2, 2022. Program begins at 6:00 pm.

All events will follow Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 safety protocols.

Learn more about Mexico in Minneapolis Folk Arts Residency here >

Publisher's Note: The name, "The Office of Arts, Culture & the Creative Economy" has been updated on August 13, 2023 where it appeared within the content of this article to "Arts & Cultural Affairs" to reflect its new name as a department of the City of Minneapolis.

El Departamento de Asuntos Culturales y de Arte de la Ciudad de Minneapolis y el Museo de Arte Weisman recibirán a dos artistas de Cuernavaca, Morelos, México; David Sánchez Beltrán y Lucero Paniagua Ortuño, en una residencia de artistas del 29 de mayo al 7 de junio. El objetivo de la residencia es promover el aprendizaje a través del intercambio cultural y revivir, fortalecer y elevar la presencia y el acceso a las formas de arte tradicionales mexicanas en Minneapolis.

De acuerdo con los objetivos de la ciudad para hacer frente a las disparidades raciales, el esfuerzo invierte en la tutoría de artistas locales Latinx y reconectar a los inmigrantes mexicanos con su conocimiento tradicional y cultural. David Sánchez Beltrán hará equipo con Cándida González y Claudia Valentino para intercambiar su experiencia y habilidades como pintor, muralista y ceramista. Lucero Paniagua Ortuño hará equipo con Flor Soto y Mónica Vega, para intercambiar su experiencia y habilidades en la extracción de pigmentos, tintes y técnicas tradicionales de la era colonial prehispánica. Los aprendices son todos artistas Latinx que residen en Minnesota.

Las residencias de David Sánchez Beltrán y Lucero Paniagua Ortuño consistirán en sesiones intensivas de aprendizaje con sus aprendices. Se planean dos talleres para jóvenes, el primero en el Centro Tyrone Guzmán, una organización comunitaria Latinx y el segundo en Ella Baker Global Studies and Humanities Magnet School. Se llevará a cabo un evento de bienvenida en honor a los artistas visitantes en el Midtown Global Market y contará con una conversación en el escenario entre los artistas y Alejandra Peña Gutiérrez, nueva directora del Weisman Art Museum de la University of Minnesota.

A través de estos aprendizajes, el intercambio de artes populares de México en Minneapolis busca conectar a los miembros de la diáspora mexicoamericana con un sentido más rico de sus habilidades culturales e identidad, tal como se practica a través de las tradiciones de arte popular.

Recepción de bienvenida para David Sañchez Beltrán y Lucero Paniague Ortuño. El público está invitado a conocer a David y Lucero en una recepción de bienvenida gratuita en el Midtown Global Market el jueves 2 de Junio de 2022, de 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm. Programa a las 6:00 pm.

Nota del editor: El nombre, "La Oficina de las Artes, la Cultura y la Economía Creativa" se actualizó el 13 de agosto de 2023 donde apareció dentro del contenido de este artículo a "Artes y Asuntos Culturales" para reflejar su nuevo nombre como departamento. de la ciudad de Minneapolis.

Funding for this activity is provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Graves Foundation and the City of Minneapolis.

The Mexico in Minneapolis Folk Arts Residency is produced in a partnership between the City of Minneapolis’ Office of Arts, Culture & the Creative Economy and the Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota. It is presented in collaboration with the Cuernavaca-Minneapolis Sister Cities Organization (CaMinO) (established in 2008 to bond the residents of Cuernavaca and Minneapolis through artistic, cultural, and educational exchanges), and CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas in Servicio).


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