Photo: Northrup King Building

The impact and opportunity of Creative CityMaking

We regularly engage outside evaluators to assess the Creative CityMaking program. This helps us measure our impact, focus our efforts and refine the program.

The most recent evaluation, completed in 2021, captures the many ways Creative CityMaking makes a difference for the community, for artists and for City staff.

Photo: Uche Iroegbu

The Creative City Road Map

The Creative City Road Map is our strategic plan for the 10 years starting in 2016.


Minneapolis Creative Index

Every few years we undertake a comprehensive study into the city’s creative sector. We examine its scale, impact, gaps and opportunities, and we look at how the sector’s revenues and workforce contribute to Minneapolis’ overall economic growth.

We publish our findings in the Minneapolis Creative Index report, which contains up-to-date economic and demographic data. Each report also includes an in-depth examination into a specific facet of the creative economy. 

In 2018, our most recent report, we dove into the issue of creative workspace and came out with an understanding of where and in what kinds of spaces creative individuals and organizations do their work. We also gained insight into how the City can support creative workspace through economic and land use planning.

Minneapolis Creative Index 2018

Provides extensive data on creative sector revenues and jobs, building on the work we conducted for the 2015 report. We provide specific details about the creative workforce including hourly pay, job numbers and job growth, all disaggregated by job type, gender and race. This report also includes the results of our deep dive into creative sector workspace. We drew the analysis from our citywide mapping study, which provided an inventory of locations and the types of buildings where artists and creative entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations do their work.


Minneapolis Creative Index 2015

Builds on the work established in our 2013 report by providing more recent data on creative sector revenues and jobs. This report was the first to offer disaggregated data on the creative workforce, information on the demographics of creative workers and a deeper dive into racial equity in Minneapolis’ creative occupations.

Magazine format (PDF) Print‑friendly format (PDF)

Minneapolis Creative Index 2013

Establishes the framework for the entire series. By using consistent and reliable data, we provided the City with a structure for capturing the economic impact of the creative sector’s revenues, jobs and industries. We assessed how the creative economy contributes to the health of the overall economy by measuring creative jobs, arts spending and creative for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the City of Minneapolis and the metro area.

Magazine format (PDF) Print‑friendly format (PDF)

Other research

In addition to our comprehensive research for the Minneapolis Creative Index reports, we also conduct field research on specific topics such as anti-gentrification, cultural corridors and arts festivals. These smaller projects shed valuable insight into how local arts and culture activity impacts the immediate community.

Photo: Wing Young Huie