Festivals & Cultural Spaces Activation Program  

To download the Notice of Funding Availability, click HERE

To download a list of application questions, click HERE


The Festivals & Cultural Spaces Activation Program is meant to support new or existing festivals and cultural centers, community arts centers, galleries and studios, healing arts centers, community celebrations, art markets, art-centered events, art-focused block parties, parks, plazas, streets, and arts educational events.

This program aims to bolster festivals and cultural spaces as they champion Minneapolis-based artists and foster community connections. Additionally, it strives to actively embrace the inclusion of underrepresented and diverse creatives, broaden community engagement, and cultivate dynamic, celebratory environments within their projects.

Terms And Conditions

  • Awards of up to $16,700 per selected applicant will be provided.

  • The awardee must have a signed contract before December 20, 2024.

  • Funding will be available to selected awardees during a 12-month period.

  • Selection Criteria

    Eligible Locations

  • All Festivals & Cultural Spaces Activation projects must benefit communities and residents within the city of Minneapolis Cultural Districts, with projects taking place within and in *close proximity to the Minneapolis Cultural Districts.

  • *ACA is open to considering proposals located within a 5-block radius of the boundaries delineating the cultural district. Each proposal will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine its alignment with our objectives and requirements.

    Eligible Applicants

    • Applicants must be Minnesota residents and be able to work in-person throughout the term of their work on this Program. Preference to Minneapolis residents.

    • Local individual artists, artist groups/teams, arts organizations and arts/culture service organizations focusing on these artistic and community-building practices: visual, performing, literary, media, traditional, culinary, digital and public arts as well as design and craft and those working in non-traditional media.

    • If the applicant is a group, art space, school, or neighborhood association, an individual representing this group must be named.

    • If the applicant is an informal collective that is not a registered business with the state, a Minnesotan resident in compliance with state laws must be willing to contract with the City on behalf of the group

    • Application must be submitted by the application deadline. Late applications will not be considered.


Applications open: June 21, 2024 

Program information webinar: June 28, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. (Sign Up)

Questions on NOFA due: July 2, 2024 

Responses to Questions posted: July 8, 2024 

Application deadline: July 26, 2024, at 4:30 PM CST 

Applications review: July 29 to August 9, 2024 

Award notifications: August 15, 2024 

Eligible funding period: August 20, 2024, to July 31, 2025 

Eligible Programming

Programming and Activities may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • New and existing arts festivals, community celebrations, art markets, art-centered events, and arts-focused block parties.

  • Partner-based projects in the Cultural District bridging cultural spaces with other businesses, restaurants, venues, and vacant spaces within the Cultural District.

  • Operating support for existing or new cultural programs in cultural spaces that are open and accessible to the public and benefit the community.

  • Activities connecting Cultural Districts to other city-wide initiatives (i.e. allowing a Cultural District gallery to participate in Minneapolis Arts Week; Cultural District theater to participate in local or national theater festival; or a Cultural District venue to produce a showcase of Minneapolis-based performers in a city-wide music festival).

Eligible Project Expenses

Budget, including any proposed expenses, must be pre-approved by Arts & Cultural Affairs staff and meet the state’s public purpose expenditures criteria

  • Staff wages & benefits expended on program work

  • Supplies & equipment necessary to carry out program activities

  • Commissions of Minneapolis-based artists for new work

  • Artist and Partner Fees

  • Planning and organizing expenses

  • Marketing and communication expenses

  • Team-Building expenses

  • Expenses to enhance accessibility

  • Expenses that support enhanced representation and inclusion

  • Allow for free and/or affordable events

funding cannot be used for costs such as an applicant’s general operating expenses; political, religious, or lobbying activities; and gift cards, cash incentives, or giveaway items. 

 Applicant’s final budget, including any proposed expenses, must be pre-approved by ACA staff and all expenditures must meet a public purpose.  

(Note: this program is not intended to fund or engage with the City’s ongoing public art programming. Public art projects, such as murals created through this program may need to follow the City’s public art policies, particularly all projects in the Right of Way or on City property. Project timelines will need to accommodate these processes.)

Evaluation Criteria

In reviewing applications, the review team/panel will consider the criteria below. The City may, in its sole discretion, expand or reduce the criteria upon which it bases its final decisions.

  • Priority will be given to applicants who either live in and/or work in or near one of the city's seven Cultural Districts.

  • Priority will be given to applicants with cultural competency and authentic connections to Minneapolis communities.

  • Applicant must demonstrate the capacity to engage communities in diverse, deep and meaningful ways.

  • Applicant must demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of their selected Cultural District’s history, culture, and local community.

  • Applicant must demonstrate artistic merit and innovation as well as site-specific and site-responsive sensibility in their proposed project.

  • Applicant must demonstrate community impact and the ability to stimulate dialogue, provoke thought and/or inspire action in their proposed projects.

  • Applicant must demonstrate ability to ensure project is accessible to a diverse audience and inclusive of various backgrounds, abilities and perspectives.

  • Applicant and application must meet all eligibility criteria and satisfy all Notice for Funding Availability (NOFA) requirements.

  • Whether NOFA Project funds are available.

  • How well the application meets City goals, priorities and plans, including the reduction of climate impact and ensure equity.

  • Expressed needs of the applicant and affiliated arts sector

  • Quality, thoroughness, and clarity of the application.

  • Qualifications and experience of the applicant.

  • Feasibility of proposed activities and ability of applicant to complete proposed activities.

  • Level of creativity, innovation, and community building expressed in the application.

  • Ability to support a broad range of unique artists and diverse arts activities that support creative art making and cultural exchange.

Commonly Asked Questions 

  1. 1. I’m a new artist, can I still apply?  

  1. Yes. Artists working in any creative mediums at any career development stage can apply.  

  1. 2. I want to collaborate with another organization (e.g., church, mosque, temple or neighborhood group, nonprofit) on a larger initiative they’re doing. Can I use this funding for that? 

  1. Maybe. Funds cannot be used to pay for costs of the larger initiative that are not related to the Festivals & Cultural Spaces activation project. However, your Festivals & Cultural Spaces Activation project can take place as part of a larger initiative, so long as it still meets all the requirements of this NOFA.  

  1. 3. I’m applying with a proposal for one of the Cultural Districts and have been asked by another team to subcontract in their project for a different Cultural District. Is this allowed? 

  1. Yes. 

  1. 4. I’m an organization, can I apply? 

  1. Yes. As long as you are an arts organization, you may apply.  

  1. 5. My project will be located in more than one Cultural District, is that ok? 

  1. Yes. However, the proposal must present a realistic budget to show how it will be feasible in $16,700 or less. 

  1. 7. I am planning for some of my project activities to take place outside the city of Minneapolis in other parts of the Twin Cities Metro, is this ok? 

  1. No. All project activities must benefit Minneapolis communities and take place within the city of Minneapolis Cultural Districts. 

  1. 8. I have received Creative Response Funding in the past, can I apply for the Cultural Districts Arts Fund in 2024?  

  1. Yes. There are no restrictions to apply if you had received funding from Office of Arts Culture and Creative Economy in past. 

  1. 9. I am a Minneapolis resident artist but I'm planning to work remotely from another State, can I apply? 

  2. No, you must be a Minnesota resident and living in Minnesota for the duration of the award. Our intention is to support grounded community-based artist-led projects and these are difficult to implement remotely without authentic community relationships.